Igwe Ogbukah, Jeans Kings - "Writer of Light', Serial Entrepreneur,

Renegade With A Cause, Towers of Thoughts & Revelations. Library of

Visions & Unseen Reality.

The Blacks, The Albinos, the Tribes & The Curse of the Gods

- a story of racism origins and reverse racism by Igwe Ogbukah, J.K


Once upon a time, everyone in the whole wide world was Black-skinned.

God was Black. The gods were Black. Blackness ruled the entire

universe. In the Drak Continent, with all of tribes,

The Bus, the Driver and the Insurance man

The danfo or 'damned fool' bus, packed full to the rickety sides with

sweating passengers, was making the kind of sound that if heard in

Nigeria's North East, would make people believe those Boko Haram boys

had come again, with the driver using all of his will to keep the

vehicle stirring as well as moving. After series of grunts, one man

finally picked up courage to quip: "na write-off this driver take dey

carry human being so. Abi I'm think say we all be yam?" The palpable

tension suddenly lifted/eased with the subsequent laughter. Until the

driver, who continued to laugh, added: "Oh boy! Write-off! I'm be like

say this oga don work for insurance company before."

Every day on our way back from Lekki in the Tundra, I wonder at the

army of workers shoving at each other at the CMS/Marina area. My

longtime colleague will say, "You really never know people. Look at

this crowd? How can they all have same sexual orientation? Surely

there must be those with queer tastes." And I'll begin to wonder. One

day, just as he was about saying that, I blurted, "YOU'RE QUEER! YES I


The big, gilt-hinged, and gold-edged Bible that sat there, closed.

Flipping open the book's ornately inlaid cover and reach into its

hollowed-out interior, grabbing the ivory-handled revolver that lay

hidden within. The Word of God and the power of the gun: the two

pillars of his meteoric rise to success, of his very faith. If one

couldn't take care of any problem, the other certainly would.

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